Articulate what the goals of the organization should be to put the organization back on the right path?

The paper should be a 4-6 page, single-spaced document. These pages exclude the cover page and list of references.
APA format 6th ed. is expected for all citation and references. A resource for citations can be found on the Purdue University website and is detailed in the syllabus.
The paper should be segmented into subcategories. At a minimum, the instructor requires the categories detailed in the CONTENT SECTION below (section A, B, etc.)Your CASE describes an organization that has gone through a period of turmoil. You are to place yourself in the role of a human resource manager who must rally his/her team to redirect the organization and address its problems. Your tasks are below.
Section A Summary & Analysis of Issues
Summarize the relevant problems experienced within the organization
Provide an analysis of the identified problems. An analysis is a detailed examination of the problem. This will include the things that are present or absent within the organization that may have resulted in the problem. The analysis also focusses on identifying the weakness or gaps in the organization. You should enter the analysis process with the questions of why and how did this happen? The answers should be part of the analysis. (Length: 1-2 pgs.)
Section B Propositions for Change

o You should create at least three goals the organization needs to work toward. Each goals then needs an explanation.
o Format Example:
Goal 1 Create a policy that details requirements to earn an end of year bonus
Include here your explanation of GOAL 1 in which you articulate how this goal will address aspects of the organizations problem. What is your goal to achieve?
Goal 2 Create a policy that details requirements to earn an end of year bonus
Include here your explanation of GOAL 2 in which you articulate how this goal will address aspects of the organizations problem. What is your goal to achieve?

Section C Plan for Implementation
For each goal, you will create a plan for implementation. In this section, you are detailing to a manager how you will achieve each goal explained in Section B. In the Goal 1 example above, the plan for implementation might include a sample policy, how it would be introduced to staff, any persons who may need to be involved in creating the policy, etc. You are essentially trying to anticipate and answer questions a manager might have.
Format Example:
o Goal 1: Repeat GOAL 1 here
Include here your plan for implementation.
o Goal 2: Repeat GOAL 2 here
Include here your plan for implementation.

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