eng 122 wk4 discussion
As you prepare to write your first discussion for this week, take a few moments to do the following:
• Read Chapter 4, Section 4.3 in the textbook.
• Read the AWC’s Guidelines for Paraphrasing Sources and Integrating Quotes.
• Review the AWC’s Recognizing Plagiarism and Avoiding Plagiarism.
• Review the Turnitin Student FAQ, available in class under “Learning Resources”
• Review the grading rubric for this discussion.
N Reflect
• Before drafting your initial post, take time to reflect on everything you’ve learned about argument, logic, and fallacy over the last month. Reread your draft with an eye on logic and make note of any fallacies you catch or claims that lack support.
• Take another look at your draft with an eye on your use of outside sources. Keep an eye out for missing quotation marks, poorly paraphrased information, and in-text citations. Make note of the Turnitin tool to help you review your work.
3.Write (due Thursday, Day 3In 200 to 300 words, share your plagiarism and logic self-check experience. Describe your process and the items you uncovered during your review. In a few sentences, explain how you will correct the issues and ask questions if you need help or advice. You may also share some of your best quotes, paraphrases, and logical passages with the class. Be sure to explain why your chosen sections are “the best,” and how this process will influence your work in the future.
• any errors or concerns you discover. Utilize
R Respond to Peers (due Monday, Day 7)
In 125 to 200 words each, respond to at least two classmates. In each response, provide answers and advice to your classmate. Relate your plagiarism and logic self-check experience to the experience your classmate has described. Consider the similarities, differences, and outcomes between the two.
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