Compare and Contrast the Roles of DNP Practice and Ph.D. Research Scholar Nursing leaders including the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) must make good clinical and administrative decisions to effectively manage the ever-changing and complex healthcare system. The increasing demand for quality improvement in healthcare delivery by the regulators, public and payors require the doctoral nurse including the DNP and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) to effectively discharge advanced practice roles. The DNP with competencies in the eight essentials will equip the advanced practice scholar with knowledge and skill to empower, support, lead and effectively manage nursing and organizational direct and indirect administrative and clinical educational roles (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006). The Ph.D. scholar, unlike the DNP, is equipped with the knowledge and skill to conduct scientific inquiries and generate research (Bednash, Breslin, Kirschling, & Rosseter, 2014). The Ph.D. is the recognized terminal nursing degree for nurses interested in research whereas the DNP credential is the highest terminal degree for nurses interested in advanced practice clinical and administrative specialties (Bednash et al., 2014). Ph.D. faculties empower and support research scientists by creating guidance and research oversight, but the DNP creates practice and clinical experts (Bednash et al., 2014). The Ph.D. conducts and produces the knowledge and the DNP does not only implements the knowledge but also evaluates and sustains the knowledge in practice. Complimentary Roles of DNP and Ph.D. in Translation of Research The six aim of healthcare transformation as advanced by the Institute of Medicine including patient-centered, efficient, timely, safe, equitable and effective health care delivery cannot be achieved unless the roles of the DNPs and PhDs are integrated complementing each other (Hammatt & Nies, 2015). The Ph.D. and the DNP roles complement each other because without one the other cannot discharge the goal of nursing and healthcare transformation According to Bednash et al. (2014) research by the Ph.D. is the pivot upon which nursing revolves and without the DNP the researched evidence by the Ph.D. cannot get to the patient, the organization or the community. Research by the Ph.D. focuses on finding interventions and approaches to eliminate illnesses, diseases, improve the environment of care, quality of life, and care delivery (Bednash et al., 2014). Similarly, the DNP support direct and indirect clinical practice including practice, policy development, leadership and administration for a conducive environment to translate currently available evidence-based care in practice, improved quality care delivery and positive population outcomes (Burson, Moran, and Conrad, 2016). The assumption of leadership positions by DNP at various organizations is positioning nurses in a better position with necessary funding and logistics to implement the new body of knowledge produced by the nurse researcher (Ph.D.) (Rodriguez, 2016). DNP and Ph.D. Roles Adding Value at Workplace The role of the DNP as Nurse Educator is currently helping in addressing the issue of nursing shortage at my job. The increase in the number of DNP taking faculty positions at local and University-based schools of nursing is providing nursing students with clinical leadership-enriched contents (Rodriguez, 2016). The nursing staffing in mental health service line at my job is currently at 55% of the approved Registered Nurse (RN) Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) with over 5,000 RN overtime (OT) hours despite the obvious effect of OT on quality of care, staff burnout, the safety of patients and staff. Every DNP nurse leader at my job hold an adjunct faculty position at local schools of nursing in New Jersey area and have influenced the organization recruitment of new nurse graduates to the organization. According to the World Health Organization estimate, 3.9 million of the world 29 million nurses are in the United States with an estimated 15% employment growth and a need of more than 1 million nurses by 2020 (Haddad & Toney-Butler, 2018). The DNP knowledge, skill, and leadership through the implementation of evidence-based practice produced by the Ph.D. are helping with the integration of new technologies to improved workflow and reduce healthcare cost (Rodriguez, 2016). For example, at my job, the DNP nurse informaticist has implemented many innovations on the Computerized Patient Record System through the development and implementation of various electronic nursing flow charts and templates. The implementations have improved workflow, made the CPRS more use- friendly for nurses, and reduced number of hours spent on documentation and invariable reduced the cost of care delivery. References American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN 2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Retrieved July 5, 2016, from https://www.aacn.nche. edu/DNP/pdf/Essentials.pdf Bednash, G., Breslin, E.T., Kirschling, J.M., & Rosseter, R.J. (2014). Ph.D. or DNP: Planning for doctoral nursing education. Nursing Science Quarterly, 27(4), 296-301. doi: 10.1177/0894318414546415 Haddad, L. M. & Toney-Butler, T.J. (2018). Nursing, Shortage. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Hammatt, P. S., & Nies, M. A. (2015). DNPs: What can we expect? Nurse Leader, 13(6), 64-67. doi:10.1016/j.mnl.2015.03.014 Rodrigez, E. S. (2016). Considerations for the doctor of nursing practice degree. Oncology Nursing Forum, 43(1), 2629. doi: 10.1188/16.ONF.26-29