Based on this week’s readings, explain the root causes of Johnson’s conflict with Congress. Why did Congress believe it had the right to impeach Johnson? In your view, and based on your understanding of presidential and congressional powers, was Congress right to impeach Johnson?

POL325: Congress & the Presidency

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Each question should be at least 250 – 300 words in length for each question. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Due, August 17, 2015

1. Based on this week’s readings, explain the root causes of Johnson’s conflict with Congress. Why did Congress believe it had the right to impeach Johnson? In your view, and based on your understanding of presidential and congressional powers, was Congress right to impeach Johnson?

2. Very briefly summarize the basis of the landmark Marbury v. Madison case. In your view, did the court make the right decision with regard to the right to remove power? Why or why not?

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