Based upon your understanding of the stakeholder approach is there a particular company or company policy that truly reflects this approach?

One long paragraph on each Business Ethics

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There are those that take the position in business that if something is legal it is also ethical. However, many of the issues we deal with in business ethics are practices which are officially legal but which are considered unethical, at least by some.

Accordingly, for this activity you are asked to identify a current legal business practice that you find to be unethical, and explain why. There is no wrong answer as it is your own personal opinion. However, you will be judged on how well you articulate your rationale. It is not only important for your grade, but also for a full and fair consideration of issues in life.

Learning Activity #2

This week’s readings and viewings focus upon the shareholder versus stakeholder approach to corporate governance. Based upon your understanding of the stakeholder approach is there a particular company or company policy that truly reflects this approach?

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