W-1 – 3 Questions No Plagiarism PLEASE read before accepting assignment. Assignment is Due Tomorrow, August 20th by 12pm noon EST. The word count for this question is 300 words.
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DQ 2 – 3 Questions No Plagiarism PLEASE read before accepting assignment. Assignment is Due Tomorrow, August 20th by 12pm noon EST. The word count for this question is 300 words.
Please answer each question below in 300 words.
1. Assessing the feasibility of a business idea.
Example, Peter has developed a software product that helps elementary school teachers better prepare their lesson plans and more accurately assess their students’ progress. Peter is now wondering whether this is a good time to launch the product. What factors should Peter consider in making this decision?
2. Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Briefly outline the 10 “mental locks” that can limit individual creativity. Give an example of a situation in which you subjected yourself to one of these mental locks. In thinking back, what if anything, would you now do differently? Explain.
3. Start-ups – Filling in the Gap or Need
Identify three startups, which were started to fill a gap in the marketplace. Identify the gap and how the startup is filling the gap in the marketplace.
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