Can a deontological approach to ethics provide a satisfactory account of doctors duties?

What you need to do is give an account of what you understand by “doctors’ duties” and then assess whether deontology can provide a satisfactory basis for such duties by looking at what deontology is, what it says about our duties, and whether it can answer the criticisms that are raised against it. This may involve a comparison with consequentialism, but the main focus needs to be on deontology and you need to consider specific forms of deontology (such as Kantian or Rossian deontology), since deontology in general is just the name for a family of theories and as such doesn’t offer any account of doctors’ duties. Section 2 looks rather vague. It isn’t clear what question it is trying to answer or what point it is trying to make, and I think that most if not all of it could be omitted to make room for a proper discussion of deontology. What you might be trying to do in this section is providing an account of what you understand by “doctors’ duties”, but if so you are going about it in a very roundabout way. Instead you could talk about how doctors’ duties are un- derstood in terms of professional regulation (the GMC) and law. Section 3 says that it will focus on deontology, but (as one of the in-text comments notes) it actually focuses more on Beauchamp and Childress’s Four Principles approach. You need to distinguish the main types of deon- tology, identify which type you are defending (and explain why), show that this type provides a plausible account of doctors’ duties, and consider what objections it faces and how it can be defended against them. You have a good list of references but it is not clear how many of them you have actually engaged with. If you are finding some of the materials hard to follow, get an overview first from some of the more introductory materi- al, e.g. the relevant chapters in the Singer anthology and in some of the textbooks on the background reading list. Introduction: – What is deontology? – What are doctors duties? (GMC doctors duties-WMA Medical ethics) – Do you think deontology explain why doctors duties are the way they are? Doctors duties: – What laws and groups are responsible for doctors? – What do they say doctors duties are? Is kindness a doctors duties? Deontology: – Whos makes good action good? – What a deontology? What kinds of deontology are there? (Kant, Ross, e.g.) – How might deontology explain doctors duties? – Are there any duties deontology any brings or cannot explain? – Making decision for others who cannot decide for themselves? – What might explain that? – Can any kind of deontology explain kindness?

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