Identify a program in a specific prison system of your choice. It is recommended that each team chose a specific type of program (sex offender, substance abuse, etc.).
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Instructional Objectives for this activity: Wk8
Compare differences between jail and prison programming.
Answer each part in a detailed substantial paragraph.
· Identify a program in a specific prison system of your choice. It is recommended that each team chose a specific type of program (sex offender, substance abuse, etc.).
· Once you have chosen a program, define the program, and discuss the effectiveness of the program.
· Compare and contrast each program. Be sure to discuss recidivism rates to support your responses.
· Which programs are effective and which programs are not?
· Imagine you are a group of prison administrators, and discuss which program you would recommend for implementation into your prison and why?
Clear, T.R., Cole, G.f., Reisig, M.D. (2013). American corrections, 10th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
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