Develop a crime scenario based on one of the following crimes: spousal abuse, rape, murder, robbery, residential burglary, or assault with a deadly weapon.

Develop a crime scenario based on one of the following crimes: spousal abuse, rape, murder, robbery, residential burglary, or assault with a deadly weapon. In the scenario, include enough witnesses, victims, and suspects to develop at least three statemen

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Instructional Objectives for this activity: Wk7

Apply any of the interviewing techniques to an interview setting.

Develop a crime scenario based on one of the following crimes: spousal abuse, rape, murder, robbery, residential burglary, or assault with a deadly weapon. In the scenario, include enough witnesses, victims, and suspects to develop at least three statements based on the various interviewing techniques. You should also discuss the steps that you completed to identify the suspect(s) in your scenario.


Gosselin, D.K.(2006). Smart talk: Contemporary interviewing and interrogation (Custom edition). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

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