Do you find creating charts easy?

Q1: How familiar are you with creating charts in Excel? in PowerPoint? Remember, you can always copy and paste a chart from Excel into a PowerPoint slide. Q2: Do you find creating charts easy? Q3: Which would you prefer to see – data or a chart? Do you

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Q1: How familiar are you with creating charts in Excel? in PowerPoint? Remember, you can always copy and paste a chart from Excel into a PowerPoint slide.


Q3: Which would you prefer to see – data or a chart? Do you have a specific example when one would be more appropriate than the other?

Q4: What would you do if your data is so widely distributed that your graph isn’t very clear? For example, I’ve seen graphs where the Totals column from a Quarterly Data set is included and that makes one of the columns in a column chart much larger than all the others. Here’s another example. You run a coffeehouse. Coffee is 98% of your sales but you’ve started to offer fresh made juices. The juices account for only 1.5 % of your overall sales, but they are doubling every quarter. How would you show this?

Q5: Any tips you would like to share?

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