Draw well reasoned conclusions that have been supported by analysis about the nature of the macro-operating environment of Sing Post. Use this analysis to inform later aspects of your assignment.

answer as per the instructions

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Conduct a macro-environment analysis for the operating environment within which SingPost operates.

Youmust use analytical tools/frameworksthat have been published in recognised scholarly publications.

Focuson developing and demonstrating:

• an understanding of the purpose of thisanalysis

• identification of key factors/forcesand their implicationsin termsof key opportunitiesand threats

• determine the overall direction of the operating environment in the future.

Draw well reasoned conclusions that have been supported by analysis about the nature of the macro-operating environment of SingPost. Use thisanalysis to inform later aspects of your assignment.

i think for this question is to use “PESTLE” to analysis it ..

i think i just need 2 pages of it .

could u please do in this format




technological etc.

one last thing, i need 2-3 references will do.

I have attached the reference guide and please follow it strictly.

please read the file as attached and do visit Singapore Post (http://www.singpost.com) website so you link the “PESTLE” back to the case study.

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