Profile of a Successful Company ( BASED OFF THE COMPANY GOOGLE)
a.Explain how the company has communicated its mission and vision within the organization. In other words, explain how the company demonstrates the importance of the mission and vision to employees and other stakeholders.
b. Identify the role that management played in helping this company execute itsstrategic management plan. Justify your response. You could consider including a specific example of a time when this management plan led the company to success.
c. Describe how management has helped to positively influence the organizational culture within this company. You could consider using some specific examples, actions, or strategies that show how management has positively influenced organizational culture.
d. Explain management’s pivotal role in the decision-making process within this company. Be sure to include specific decisions made by management based on principles of ethics. You could discuss specific decision-making models used by the company that may have helped the company be successful.
e. Evaluate how the use of the functions of management within this company has adhered to the principles of ethics. You could consider how using the functions of management while adhering to the principles of ethics may have impacted the employees of the company.
f. Explain how this company strategically uses human resources to develop its personnel. You could consider how this use of human resources has enhanced the company’s business processes. Guidelines for
Submission: Final Project One Milestone Two must be one to two pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style.
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