Explain law enforcement procedures beginning with initial contact with a suspect through an arrest.

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Criminal Procedure and the Constitution
Explain law enforcement procedures beginning with initial contact with a suspect through an arrest.
Explain the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.
Discuss the origin and application of Miranda warnings.

It is imperative that any student of criminal procedure understand the Fifth Amendment and Miranda.

After carefully reviewing the material in the learning activities, complete the following:

Use the Internet to find a case that addressed Miranda and provided clarification on a specific aspect of Miranda.
Thoroughly explain the case and state exactly how the case applied Miranda. The case you use must specifically refer to and cite Miranda.

Full credit requires that your paper be one full page in length, double spaced, with one-inch margins.

You will be assessed on the nature and scope of your research and the analytical depth of your response. Do not merely quote the court; explain why the court cited Miranda and compare the facts.

In addition, you must proofread your material, and submit it without grammar, spelling, or other mechanical errors. Finally, remember to use APA format in this and all assignments.

Use your textbook as your primary reference, and use the Internet to supplement your research if necessary. Cite all of your sources, including the text, lectures, and other sources, using APA guidelines.

For citation guidelines, please refer to the table in the APA Style section of the syllabus.

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