From the first e-Activity, analyze the current state of the government regulation of product safety to determine whether the referenced agencies are generally proactive or reactive. Provide one (1) specific example of each agency to support your response.

• Research the Internet or the Library for information about latest activities by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Be prepared to discuss.

“Product Liability and Torts” Please respond to the following:
• From the first e-Activity, analyze the current state of the government regulation of product safety to determine whether the referenced agencies are generally proactive or reactive. Provide one (1) specific example of each agency to support your response.
• Compare and contrast the regulatory alternatives discussed in Chapter 8 of the text in terms of the efficiency and efficacy these alternatives might provide to businesses and consumers. Next, determine which solution is the most viable, considering the likelihood of support from business and government interests. Explain your rationale.

Please ask questions if you don’t know how to do it..
So far as chapter 8, please do best you can do…. Stay on topic with directions, I Know you don’t have a book but the words is there , look up whatever you need!. DO the best you can!!

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