How does memory affect the accuracy of eyewitness identification? What are some police procedures and legal rules that can reduce the inaccuracy of eyewitness identification? What has empirical research shown regarding the reliability of li
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Instructional Objectives for this activity:
Explain due process and its application to criminal procedures.
Explain law enforcement procedures beginning with initial contact with a suspect through an arrest.
Assess the Sixth Amendment right to counsel.
It is critical that identifications are accurate to protect individuals against mistakes that deprive an innocent person of liberty.
Please respond to all of the following prompts:
How does memory affect the accuracy of eyewitness identification?
What are some police procedures and legal rules that can reduce the inaccuracy of eyewitness identification?
What has empirical research shown regarding the reliability of line-ups?
Samaha, Joel. (2015). Criminal Procedure, 9th, Ed. Boston, MA: Cengage.
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