In 100 – 150 words with references explain the perceptual process for hearing.

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Discussion 1 – Answer the following


Discussion 2 – Answer the following in 100 – 150 words with references

Identify the factors that contribute to auditory localization.

Discussion 3 – Answer the following in 100 – 150 words with references

Identify the components of speech perception.

Discussion 4 – Answer the following in 100 – 150 words with references

Describe the influence of auditory perception on behavior.

Discussion 5 – Answer the following in 100 – 150 words with references

Here is a link to an article about the consequences of untreated hearing loss:


Discussion 6 – Answer the following in 100 – 150 words with references

It seem that most of society assumes that all deaf people would want to hear if given the chance. Here is a link to an article about several other myths about deaf people:

Myths about Deaf People (and the truth)


Discussion 7 – Answer the following in 100 – 150 words with references

It is easy to forget that certain sounds may not sound the same amongst various cultures. Here is a short article that talks more about this.

Discussion 8 – Answer the following in 100 – 150 words with references

Deaf woman hears for the first time.

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