look at your textbook on terrorism and pick an essay/chapter to agree with or disagree with. Back up your argument with the 4 articles and 1 interview. Make sure to have a reference page at the end of your essay.

1 ) I need 3 pages argumentative essay intro, three bodies, opposing viewpoint, and conclusion. Regarding the essay pages I attached 8 pages.
The book I took from these pages name Contemporary Debates on Terrorism, and the teacher want us to choice one essay and to write weather we agree or disagree. I choose chapter question exclusion ? And the writer answer: Yes
Teacher Prompt: Please look at your textbook on terrorism and pick an essay/chapter to agree with or disagree with. Back up your argument with the 4 articles and 1 interview. Make sure to have a reference page at the end of your essay.
The 9 articles I already attached 10 pages so you can choice whatever can support my thesis statement. For interview, I interviewed my friend who work at the military you can make it deeper.
Essay Structure
Defenition of terrorism
Different kinds of terrorism
My position : yes I agree with the writer
For Thesis Statement, I need to show my position and mention three key point which they are the body. For example: I agree with the writer because one, two, three point. Make it simple and clear.
3 body paragraphs :
Each body paragraph must follow the thesis statement give example from the pages I have attached and please don’t forget work cited
Opposing viewpoint:
Your rebuttal to the opposing point to show them weak to support my thesis.
Summary of main points.
Restate thesis statement.
Personal comment or call to action.

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