Read Case Study 1, “Bernie Madoff: How “One Big Lie” Can Destroy Thousands of Lives,” on pages 258-264. Summarize the overall viewpoint of the author, and discuss the major issues presented in the case. Review the “Questions for Thought.” Answer the four “Questions for Thought” using the business ethics principles from the textbook. Your summary of the author’s viewpoint and your discussion of the major issues presented in the case must be in paragraph form. However, your responses to the four “Questions for Thought” can be answered either in paragraph form or as a numbered list. Ensure to include your summary of the author’s viewpoint, your discussion of the ethical issues facing Bernie Madoff, and your responses to the questions. Deliverable length is a minimum of 500 words, double spaced, 12pt New Times Roman font. Title page, abstract, and running head are not required; however, if you paraphrase or quote words or ideas from your course tex

Read Case Study 1, “Bernie Madoff: How “One Big Lie” Can Destroy Thousands of Lives,” on pages 258-264. Summarize the overall viewpoint of the author, and discuss the major issues presented in the case. Review the “Questions for Thought.” Answer the four “Questions for Thought” using the business ethics principles from the textbook. Your summary of the author’s viewpoint and your discussion of the major issues presented in the case must be in paragraph form. However, your responses to the four “Questions for Thought” can be answered either in paragraph form or as a numbered list. Ensure to include your summary of the author’s viewpoint, your discussion of the ethical issues facing Bernie Madoff, and your responses to the questions. Deliverable length is a minimum of 500 words, double spaced, 12pt New Times Roman font. Title page, abstract, and running head are not required; however, if you paraphrase or quote words or ideas from your course tex

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