Resources: Riordan Virtual Organization, Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy, and Competitive Advantages Paper
Scenario: The board of directors for Riordan Manufacturing has asked you to create a strategic plan for the organization.
Create a 1000 word strategic plan for Riordan Manufacturing starting from what you learned in Week One and using a similar strategic management process as Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy. You may also use information from the team project you completed for Riordan Manufacturing in Week Four to create the strategic plan.
Cover thoroughly the areas of environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and evaluation and control.
• What competitive advantages does Riordan have, and which competitive strategies should Riordan utilize to improve innovation and sustainability in both domestic and international applications?
• What measurement guidelines should be used to verify strategy effectiveness?
Explain and justify all of the decisions you have made for your strategic plan, using research and understanding learned from the reading material.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Present a completed strategic plan to the board of directors for Riordan Manufacturing.
Include an outline your strategic plan for Riordan Virtual Organization in 8-10 slide presentation using Microsoft® PowerPoint®.
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