rite a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper, which addresses therole of diversity in the development of the arts and how it changed throughout the 20th century in America

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Resource: Review “Thelma Golden–How Art Gives Shape to Cultural Change,” Ch. 9 and 11 of Oxford History of Art: Twentieth-Century American Art, and the Week Five Electronic Reserve Readings.

Write a 200- to 350-word summary responding to the following:

How has art, in the context of the social justice movements of the twentieth century, challenged, and shaped American society?
Must be in APA format and must have an intro and conclusion


Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper, which addresses the following:

The role of diversity in the development of the arts and how it changed throughout the 20th century in America

What was the role of women and their influence on the various arts?
What was the role of ethnic minorities and their influence on the various arts?

The relationship between art and culture and how this developed during the 20th century

How did culture influence the arts?
How did the arts influence culture?

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