FOR KIM WOODS ONLY EDU 486 Week 2 Assignment
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School Improvement Paradigms
Watch the following videos:
5 Keys To Social and Emotional Learning Success.
How a Longer School Day Can Improve Academics
Finland’s Formula for School Success (Education Everywhere Series)
Four Keys To College and Career Readiness: Dr. David T. Conley
Real-World Internships Lead To College and Career Readiness
Improvement plan for schools (Education Everywhere Series)
Select two or three principles for improving schools as listed on page 281 of your course text. Design a detailed plan for implementing and supporting those principles, per policy and program adoption, within a district or school. Be sure to provide evidence/examples of best practice strategies from scholarly sources. Your paper must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including the required title and reference pages). You must cite at least one scholarly source in addition to the course text both with in-text citations and on the reference page. Your paper and references must be formatted using APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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