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This week will be an opportunity to share ideas and approaches to the Excel course project. What are some spreadsheet features you will use to make your spreadsheet professional, readable, reliable, and repeatable? Which spreadsheet functions and data analysis types do you think will be the most challenging to implement in this project? What questions do you have about those functions and types of data analysis?
Some spreadsheet features that I will be using for the project would be the bar charts, pivot tables and pie charts. Some spreadsheet function that I will be using is the IF function, common math function such as =b7/b8 and SUM function. I don’t think there would be many functions that will be difficult because some of the functions that might be used are in some of our previous ilabs so it wouldn’t be that difficult.
Some of the tools I will basically use in my project are; consolidation, various calculations steps, coloring, chart types, conditional formatting, filtering, sorting, and the mail merging feature. With the use of the mail merging feature and various chart types, it will be easier for me to summarize the data or details since it is very large. As regards, I may use the pivot table first since it is the most fitting Excel tool that can be used to summarize and organize large amounts of details or data in such a way that it can be much easy to understand or readable by audiences. Added to that, I will use the coloring and filtering features in various steps so that the presentation or project will look just more unique. One challenging step I might encounter difficulty with is the process of importing or bringing all the details from the Microsoft txt format to the Excel spreadsheet. Verily, without the details in the txt format, it will be challenging to calculate for the various items or details.
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