A literature review at Level 6
At degree level (level 6) The UGMP is topic focused, and you are expected to include the main, current sources on the topic. Youare not undertaking a systematic literature review – which is a much greater piece of work and would be expected to include all known literature on the problem this is more indicative of PhD level piece of work.
Skill Development in conducting a literature Review
Undertaking a literature review will enable the development of the following skills-
analytical problem solving skills;
active learning through identification of a problem to be explored and completed;
skills development for independent research;
application of academic knowledge to practice
What should be in the undergraduate project?
Content (the depth and breadth of the literature covered and understanding of the evidence used and of the topic area chosen),
Collecting the literature and understanding how to critically appraise the literature, demonstrating the ability to identify and discuss the qualityand usefulness of the evidence and compare and contrast ideas.
Presentation (including referencing and keeping a narrative thread).
Application to practice
What topics may be chosen?
The scope and nature of the project can vary enormously. Some students will write a dissertation that is based on an academic area of interest linked to the course they are on. Other students should write on some aspect of the experiences gained in their work experience (including clinical practice) or their work (clinical) placement.Pre-registration students have a list of topics in the module guides, and have to pick an area of interest related to the topic.
What makes a good undergraduate project?
Normally a good project will define a question, problem, or issue to be investigated, apply appropriate analysis, cite relevant evidence, and reach a reasoned conclusion.
Undergraduate students are not expected to conduct pure, fundamental research whilst undertaking their undergraduate major project.
What is required in a dissertation or project?
You are expected to demonstrate some the following:
Evidence of scholarly research. Examples are using search facilities in the library (CD ROMS, book and journal indices etc.), and showing evidence that sources have been located and sensibly used.
Evidence of independent thought. This can be provided by comments on the theories and opinions of scholars, commenting on the quality of the any research studies included e.g. interview and questionnaire data, supporting these comments with references from research literature (please note this is a requirement of learning outcome 3)
Interpretation of evidence. Pure description of an event, situation, opinion and so forth, without explanation or analysis is not sufficient. Similarly; quotations in the UGMP should not be used simply for their own sake. One way of using references is to support a particular viewpoint or argument. You are not rewarded simply for reproducing the words of other writers. It cannot be emphasised too strongly that mere description alone is not sufficient youmust analyse, evaluate, or interpret your data and information.
A conceptual understanding of the topic chosen. Thus, when choosing a topic, you should remember that a central purpose is to allow the application of appropriate theory to your area of practice.
Clarity and lucidity of argument and expression in the presentation of your discussions. Here we are not looking for perfection in either grammar or sentence construction, but the markers must be able to understand what students are trying to say.
Competence in the use of bibliographies, or other referencing and other appropriate skills.
How should the UGMP be structured?
1.Abstract: Compulsory, this should be a succinct summary of the whole project in no more than 300 words.
2.Introduction: including a rationale: The introduction must include an overview of the literature review, background information can be included but if this is extensive it should be placed after the search strategy, see below.
3.Search strategy:this should be comprehensive but succinct, presenting key words, data bases searched and HITS (this could go in a table), and how and why the books, articles, policy, acts and studies and so forth were chosen, and how the search was reduced or widened depending on the HITS. You should show knowledge and comprehension, of evidence supporting the search and as such it should be referenced accurately. Your knowledge of Boolean operators, wild cards and so forth should be evident. This section needs to be supported with relevant literature to demonstrate an evidence base for the search.
4. Background(if relevant)
5. Themes/ chapters/ sections/
This section should demonstrate a logical sequential order of the review, that is, it is the best place to start the main body. Each theme should discuss all the literature related to the heading, not just articles and studies. Each theme should be in a logical order, comparing and contrasting, building and rebutting arguments and so forth, drawing the theme to a close by highlighting the salient points.
There is not a specific number of books, studies, article etc. for you to include, this is a mainly autonomous module (see learning outcomes) that is a review of all the literature pertaining to the topic/ subject/ question.
6. Theme/ Chapter/ Section 2please see above notes which relate to all themes
7. Theme / Chapter/ Section 3 etc. (there is not set amount of themes, but what is relevant to your topic)
9. Conclusions
10. Recommendations for future practice
11. Reference’s
12. Appendix (Optional)
Do you need to use a critiquing framework?
This is not a requirement of the UGMP. The project is a literature review and not a research critique. You may like to use a framework to give ideas of how tocritique research, however rigidly adhering to a framework can causeyou to focus on a narrow range of literature and produce a succession of research critiques rather than a literature review.
NB. This is an important piece of work which could have implications for your work/practice, it is also important to consider publication.
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