What sources of data might Terrence collect in order to understand the client’s problems? Explain why you chose each source.

Can you do discussion assignment due 8/16/2015 1page

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posted 3 years ago (last edited 1 year ago)
Discussion – Week 5

Data Sources

Screening tools are not designed to make diagnoses. They can give evidence that a problem exists. However, there is no guarantee that one screening tool or even one assessment or type of data will yield the necessary data to inform the addictions professional about a potential treatment plan and next steps. This is why addictions professionals may have to seek multiple (also known asmultimodal) data sources from which to elicit sufficient data on an individual.

In this Discussion, you will consider what you might do in a hypothetical situation in which a client’s scores on a screening tool are insufficient for the purposes of interpretation.

To prepare:

Review the article “Screening for Alcohol Problems: What Makes a Test Effective?”
Review the data collected for the diagnostic summary for Jane Roberts (pseudonym “Patty”) in Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide,Appendix 6 (pp. 262–263)
Review the Week 4 Introduction scenario featuring Terrence. Terrence is faced with a client, Angela, who is presenting several problems.

Post by Day 4 your response to the following:

Consider the scenario in the Week 4 Introduction. What sources of data might Terrence collect in order to understand the client’s problems? Explain why you chose each source. Finally, provide a rationale for the number of sources you recommend.

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