Current use and experience and future views and wishes of Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) regarding Real-Time Planning Information (RPI) in Transportation Management Systems (TMS)
– focus on the Netherlands and Germany
With RPI is meant: the planning for client, contractor and driver is automated and continuously updated in order to overcome any changes that occur during the logistics process
The main research objectives are:
A) To examine whether Logistics Service Providers are satisfied with their current TMS, by analyzing current use and customer satisfaction;
B) To make a recommendation on the most important features of a Real-Time Planning Information TMS by analyzing future views and wishes;
C) To give an advice on whether and how to introduce a Real-Time Planning Information TMS.
Research area
Top 100 logistics service providers in the Netherlands and 46 German CargoLine partners. Those 146 logistics service providers are clients and operators within the exact same industry (competitors). Cluster sampling will be the technique used in order to come up with a representative result.
The entire research revolves around the main question. The problem and purpose were indicated in previous chapters, this more or less automatically leads to the main question.
The main question as defined below will lead to achieving the research objective.
Main question: Are there Logistics Service Providers in the research area who would consider using/buying a Real-Time Information TMS?
The following sub questions will support the main question:
1. What is the company’s internal situation?
2. What is the current market situation as regards to TMS and additional functions?
3. How important is Real-Time Planning Information for LSPs?
4. What are the future views and wishes as regards to TMS?
5. What are the market trends?
6. Who are the main competitors?
7. Which factors are determinant for the successful introduction of a Real-Time Planning Information TMS?
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