Write a rough draft the topic gun violence.

I need a rough draft

The topic is gun violence

Assignment Guidelines:

By Saturday, August 8, 2015, post your rough draft as an attachment to the Discussion Area. Prior to composing the essay, make sure you have carefully reviewed the feedback you received on your introduction/thesis and the claim/evidence paragraphs in Week 4. If you have questions about the feedback, please contact your instructor. The main reason that we have worked on the essay in small parts throughout the course is so that you would have a lot of the important writing for the full rough draft already completed.

Assignment Requirements:

1) Your rough draft should be developed to at least 1,000 words (the final draft will need to meet a 1,250 word minimum requirement.)

2) Post your essay as an attached APA formatted document. You may use thisAPA-formatted template. (See Weeks 1 and 3 APA lectures for formatting guidelines)

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