A strong job analysis is the foundation of virtually every aspect of public human resource management. Discuss in detail.

I need 6 pages essay analyzing and answering these two question bellow. ( Questions #1, 2 pages) and (question# 2, 4 pages ).

These essays will be evaluated by the quality of the argument, analysis, organization, presentation, and writing. It is strongly urged to use examples and provide details when answering questions. Examples/details may come from several materials and other documented sources base on your knowledge and experience you have had in that field. Be very thorough and express your supportive/critical opinion along with the facts, particularly when called for.

1. A strong job analysis is the foundation of virtually every aspect of public human resource management. Discuss in detail. (2 pages)

2. Describe and compare equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, and workforce diversity in terms of the major cases, laws, philosophies and values emphasized by each. Which do you think will be the dominant force in this century, and why? ((4 pages)

You may use any resources to respond to these essay questions. If you do use any resources other than your own head, be sure to provide a citation as well as a reference, pages number, quotes and so on. The reference list must be linked to your writing where you utilize the source. Failure to do so is plagiarizing, and pleases be consistent put the number of the question by your response. The writer needs to be knowledgeable in Human resources management/public administration. I assume that the writer kk227685 may be qualify to do it. Please you need to read and follow the direction.

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