The Investigation of Computer-Related Crime” Please respond to the following:
From the e-Activity, there are general principles that investigators must follow when they respond to any crime scene in which computers and electronic technology may be involved. Suggest at least two (2) general principles for proper evidence preservation for stand-alone personal computers, networked home personal computers, and network server business networks. Provide a rationale for your response.
Discuss the major procedures that investigators must use in order to collect network trace evidence of computer-related crimes. Next, speculate on the primary concern of investigators as they execute the evidence-collection procedures in question, and explain the main reasons why you believe such a concern is valid. Justify your response.
Here is the link associated with top discussion:
Please respond to the following:
According to the text, many repeat violent offenders, even those who commit murder, rape, or assault, receive probation. Defend or critique the granting of probation for all who meet probation eligibility requirements. Support your response with concrete examples.
Please respond to the following:
Describe at least three (3) laws that are designed to protect the environment. Research on the Internet for a company that has allegedly been in violation of environmental laws in the past 24 months. Identify the charges and outcome of the investigation. Was the right outcome obtained? How could the company have more fully complied with the law?
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