due 8/18
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Homework 1
1) Discuss classroom engagement strategies that are appropriate to students’ developmental levels and that encourage critical thinking.
2) What is cooperative learning? Do you think it is an effective teaching strategy? How often should teachers use cooperative learning?
Homework 2
For this assignment, focus on the group of students in your program of study.
You have been asked by your principal to develop a student engagement strategies presentation for use in a professional development workshop for first-year teachers.
Choose eight strategies you believe are critical for engaging students in the learning process. Five of the eight strategies must be from “The Structural Approach to Cooperative Learning.”
Create a 10-15 slide presentation that includes the following:
Title and references slides
Explanation of each strategy in your own words
Classroom arrangements that are best for each engagement strategy
Slide notes explaining how you would implement each strategy in your future classroom.
Your “Student Engagement Strategies” will be part of your Personal Classroom Management Plan
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