Coal and oil Gold and silver Iron and copper Lead and zinc


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Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

According to the following map, what are the most common mineral resources found in the United States?

Coal and oil Gold and silver Iron and copper Lead and zinc
Question 2 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Although coal is sometimes considered a mineral, which criteria of minerals does it violate?

Minerals are solids. Minerals are natural. Minerals are inorganic. Minerals have a definite chemical composition.
Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Which mineral test is shown in the image?

Public Domain

Specific gravity Luster Cleavage Hardness
Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Which of the following results in crystallization?

Formation of a solution in hot water High-pressure changes to rocks Volcanic eruption causing magma to cool Pieces of rock broken down over time
Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Which of the following is true of all minerals?

Made of many different elements Come from the ground as crystals Can be liquids, solids, and gases Made of one or more elements from the periodic table
Question 6 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Which mineral test was used if a geologist refers to a mineral as metallic?

Streak Hardness Luster Magnetism
Question 7 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

A person wants to go into business supplying fuel to nuclear power plants. Which resource will he most likely need to acquire in large quantities?

Bauxite Halite Limestone Uranium
Question 8 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Which of the following tools would be useful for testing cleavage and fracture in a mineral?

Hammer Hardness points Magnet Streak plate
Question 9 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

Which of the following is a common industrial use for a mineral?

Using iron to fortify cereals Using silver to create jewelry Using copper to make art pieces Using low-grade diamonds to cut materials
Question 10 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

What can you conclude about the crystals in Image A relative to the crystals in Image B?

The crystals in Image A had more room to grow than the crystals in Image B. The crystals in Image A were formed over a shorter period of time than the crystals in Image B. Unlike the crystals in Image B, the crystals in Image A were cut into the rock by humans. Unlike the crystals in Image B, the crystals in Image A were formed in a water-based solution.

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