Describe how you found the books, journal articles and web pages related to your research topic.

Dear Writer, this is the link to the library homepage required for this assignment

Please use username: vsf password

Also, you will require copy of Good Study by Neil Burdess 2007 for this assignment. I hope you can retrieve it through any online sources.

Sources as stated in the intructions.

Please contact me when finished, i’d appreciate it if you password till you finish assignment. Please confirm the same with me. Contact me if you require any guidance. Thanking you!


When completed, your assignment will include the following parts:

A. An account of a library search for books, journal articles and web pages on a research topic

B. A reference list of the material you find

C. An abstract of one chapter from Good Study by Neil Burdess

D. A review of Good Study by Neil Burdess

Part A – Library search

1. Identify your topic by matching the last digit of your student ID number
with the same number below.

— Topis is
8) Global climate change

2. Demonstrate your skills in using the Deakin library’s classic catalogue to find bibliographic details of four books related to your research topic. Use (i) a keyword search and (ii) a subject search of the Deakin library catalogue. Locate a E-book, and print off (I will do the printing) the full-title page and imprint page, which is usually on the reverse side of the full title page.

3. Demonstrate your skills in using journal article databases in the Deakin library. Use two databases of journal articles in the Deakin library to find bibliographic details of four academic journal articles related to your research topic. Identify relevant databases by using the Deakin library Subject Guide to ‘Articles via
databases’. Locate the full text of one of the journal articles, and print out (I will do the printing) the first page of the article.

4. Demonstrate your skills in using web searches to find two HIGH QUALITY websites related to your research topic. Use (i) a subject directory search, and (ii) an advanced search in Google to find two high quality websites related to your research topic. Print the first page of one of these sites.

5. In 450-550 words, under the heading Search for materials on … [give research topic] describe how you found the books, journal articles and web pages related to your research topic. Use the first person and past tense to describe what you did. At the end of the section, note the number of words used in the section. Make sure it is within the 450 to 550 range.

PART B – Reference list

Under the heading Reference list, draw up a single integrated reference list showing the bibliographic details of all ten items related to your research topic. Format the list using the author-date system of referencing. For
this assignment, the reference list is part of the main body of the paper, and you should include it immediately after your account of the search procedure.

PART C – Abstract

In 100-150 words, under the heading Abstract of Chapter… [give chapter number and title] summarise chapter no 8 in Good Study. At the end of the abstract, note the number of words used.
Make sure that it is within the 100 to 150 range.

PART D – Book review

In 700 to 750 words, under the heading Review of Good Study write a book review. Imagine that the editors of an academic journal have asked you to write the review for the journal’s undergraduate
student section. They want you to write in a standard, formal academic style. Remember that a review is partly descriptive and partly evaluative. When evaluating the reviewed book you should place it in the context of similar books. Use two similar study skills books from the library search to help you do this. One of these should be the E-book Studying and Learning at University: Vital Skills for Success in Your Degree (Pritchard 2008) which you’ll find in the Deakin library catalogue. Give bibliographic details of Good Study, Studying and Learning at University and the third book referred to in the review in a short reference list immediately at the end of the review. Finally, note the number of words used in the main body of the review (i.e. excluding the review’s
reference list). Make sure that the word count is within the 700 to 750 range.

Keep within the word range specified for each section. There is no ±10% margin when working with a word range.

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