Describe in detail how a young child’s fine motor skills are developed—making sure to include the theory of motor-skill learning that best fits this situation.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research observational and motor learning and activities that can be used to help develop motor skills. Then, address the following:

Describe in detail how a young child’s fine motor skills are developed—making sure to include the theory of motor-skill learning that best fits this situation.
Explain whether any motor tasks or skills can be accomplished via observational learning. Justify your response.
Now, consider a situation in which a young child (3–4 years old) is developmentally delayed in fine motor skill development. Create a strategy which would help the child strengthen his or her fine motor skills.
You can find a number of activities online which purport to help develop these skills. From a theoretical viewpoint, be sure to explain how these activities will aid a child’s fine motor skill development. Make sure that you reference at least one peer-reviewed article in addition to any Web sites you find and describe these activities as part of your development strategy.

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