describe the primary ways in which a person might enact so-called “languageless” thinking.

“The Relationship Between Language and Thinking” Please respond to the following:

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“The Relationship Between Language and Thinking” Please respond to the following at least one and half to two paragraphs.

Consider the following quote by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, who believed that thought without language was impossible: “The limits of my language are the limits of my life.” For more information on Wittgenstein and his analysis on the primacy of language, watch the video “Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 – 1951) The Limits of Language”, located at Next, examine whether or not it is possible to think without using language. If you believe it is possible, describe the primary ways in which a person might enact so-called “languageless” thinking. If you believe it is not possible, describe what you foresee as major problems with languageless thinking.

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