Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Elections
The various political actors involved in the processes, activities, and policies of the U.S. government each have evolving goals and objectives. In addition, these actors have produced differential effects, both positive and negative, on the processes, activities, and policies of the federal government. In this last weekly worksheet, you will assess the positive and negative impacts of political parties, interest groups, or federal elections on the national government. In addition, you will recommend one option to enhance the positive impact and one to diminish the negative impact. This final effort will conclude the process of critically analyzing key features of our national government and prepare you for completion of your Final Paper in Week Five.
To complete the assignment, save the Week Four Learning Activity Worksheet to your computer, fill it out, and submit it.
Develop a detailed outline of your fourth main point using the Week Four Learning Activity Worksheet.
- Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Elections:
- Provide a topic sentence that briefly describes the one positive impact and one negative impact of one of the following: political parties, interest groups, or federal elections.
- Provide a topic sentence that recommends one option to accentuate the positive impact and one to lessen the negative impact.
- Scholarly Support: (Please access the Ashford Writing Center’s Sample Annotated Bibliography)
- Provide two credible sources in APA format to support your main points.
- Briefly discuss how these sources support your main point.
- Briefly evaluate your sources for bias, validity, and reliability.
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