Discuss your insight, conclusion, and final thoughts regarding experience & what you would do differently if taught same topic but to another group with instructor after your TP.

Teaching Project Outline Format

Student Name: Date: Site:

1. Assessment of Needs and Rationales (30%)
Topic : Teaching Manners in three year olds.
a. Group/Aggregate description (10% = 4 x 2.5% each)
i. What is the health teaching need

ii. What does the evidence/research say about this group and their teaching needs (application of evidence based practice- cite research)-

b. Assessment of readiness (There may be possible constraints in assessing this area due to limited group availability or the setting). (10% = 5 x 2% each)
i. Readiness-
ii. Motivation-
iii. Experiential background (previous teaching?)-
iv. Current status (age intellectual level and/or educational level, etc)-
v. Interest and actual and/or potential barriers to learning-

c. 2 Community/Group Diagnoses (10% = 2 x 5% each)-

2. Teaching Plan (40%)
a. TP on time. What specific gains are you aiming for with your aggregate? (10%)-
b. 2 Learning Objectives (10%)

c. 15%:
i. Identify at least 3 teaching strategies/methods student to use -(Q & A, pretest/post test, discussion, lecture, video, handouts, survey, case study, demo, role playing, ppt slides, poster board, web links, readings, self-report, group work, brain storming, visual aids, etc…)
ii. Content based on literature review on reference page – 4 evidence based resources within the past 5 years.
iii. APA Format, cover sheet, reference page.

Evaluation with faculty after TP
Discuss your insight, conclusion, and final thoughts regarding experience & what you would do differently if taught same topic but to another group with instructor after your TP.
Teaching Project (TP) Rubric
Attachment 3

Criteria Points Comments
Part 1
Assessment = 30 points
• Aggregate described

• Assessment of Need & Readiness

• Community/Group Diagnosis




Part 2
Teaching Plan = 40 points

• What specific gains are you aiming for with your aggregate? On Time.

• 2 Objectives to address the need of the aggregate

• 3 Teaching methods, Content, 4 references, & APA Format, all supporting documents to teach.




Delivery = 30 points

• Content Presentation

• Manner of Presentation



Total Points

Please answer the questions based on the topic. Put the answer under the appropriate question.

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