Introduction to Cost Control Management
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Deliverable Length: 10–12 slides with 100+ words of speaker notes per slide
Though much of your efforts will be in the routine accounting of the factories’ operations, you will also be involved with departments where large capital expenditures are made. In the past, the firm has not seen the expected returns from a new investment, in terms of actual savings achieved. Given the size of some coming large investments, the CFO asked you to give a PowerPoint presentation, to both department managers as well as engineers who write the new investment proposals, on how they can do a better job of making sure a project’s expected costs and savings are in fact achieved
Your PowerPoint should do the following:
It should follow this format:
Be 10–12 slides in length.
Include 100 words minimum speaker’s notes per slide.
Have eye-catching background color, clip art, graphs, and charts.
Slides should not be covered with commentary.
Specifically, cover the following points:
The difference between routine expenses and those incurred by major projects
What expected return refers to, as compared to profitability
The typical basis for cost justifying a large investment proposal, including a simple example
The assumptions inherent in your example of a large cost savings project proposal
Given the assumptions, an explanation of how managers or engineers could monitor the project to see if it will in fact be achieving the expected return
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