Identify the IT projects for a real or made up company of your choice.

Write a 4- to 5-page paper, prioritizing the IT project portfolio. This is an opportunity for you to be creative in this assignment. Identify the IT projects for a real or made up company of your choice. You can draw on your past experience or create your own projects. Pick 3 to 5 projects so that you can compare projects described in the assignment. The paper must evaluate each identified project against the following criteria: The project drives or creates more revenue for the corporation. The project cuts the cost of doing business. The project is mandated by laws (federal, state, county, or local) or executive orders. The competitor has undertaken a similar project. Develop a scoring system by weighting each criterion. In some IT projects, all may apply. Provide your analysis by observing how you evaluate each project in comparison to how the target organization evaluates each project.

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