In the Australian Curriculum, Respondinginvolves children in activities related to viewing performances. These activities contribute to their drama education. In this assessment your aim is to demonstrate your capabilities in relation to this type of learning activity.

In the Australian Curriculum, Respondinginvolves children in activities related to viewing performances. These activities contribute to their drama education. In this assessment your aim is to demonstrate your capabilities in relation to this type of learning activity. In the absence of a live theatre performances, we turn to film clips for material to review. Do: View a video clip of a dramatic production suitable for children (School Years Foundation to Yr 6). Observe how the dramatic language has been used in the performance then select three elements of the dramatic language to discuss. Explain how these three elements are distinguished in the drama. Guidelines: 1. Select a short video clip (3 -10 minutes) from those below, or one of your choosing that is suitable for use in the Primary school. Include the link in your document. 2. 400-600 words is sufficient. 3. While you are not being asked to write a review as such, the At a Glance: Leading a guided drama appreciation session in your text will help you understand the types of observations you can make. Resources: Here are several clips to get you started but you can locate others. Include the link in your document. Famous Five on a Treasure Island Robinson Crusoe Gift Charlotte’s Web: Saving the runt Wind in the Willows: The Secret Garden; There’s someone crying Oliver – Artful Dodger: Consider yourself at home

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