Pretend that you are a business and strategy consultant hired by one of your chosen company’s executives to present the new strategic plan to the Board of Directors (BoD).

Strategic Plan Presentation

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You may choose either a large, well-known Fortune 1,000 company that has information readily available, or a smaller company in your city or town which has information in the local press (the larger company may be easier). Pretend that you are a business and strategy consultant hired by one of your chosen company’s executives to present the new strategic plan to the Board of Directors (BoD).

You will create this Assignment in a PowerPoint presentation format. Use a bulleted list for each slide (page) and support the bulleted ideas in the Notes section of the slide. Use APA format and citation style in the notes description section. Do include a references page at the end of the presentation for the outside sources you used and integrated in the presentation itself. In addition, follow the Final Project Guidelines.

Final Project Guidelines

Company Background
Company Vision and Mission Statements
Leadership and Organizational Culture
Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Ethics, and Policies Empowering Action
External Analysis (Opportunities and Threats) and Global Environment
Internal Analysis (Strengths and Weaknesses), Strategic Control and Continuous Improvement
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Strategic Analysis and Choice
Generic and Grand Strategies
Long-Term Objectives and Strategies
Short-Term Objectives, Functional Tactics, and Implementation
Restructuring, Reengineering and Refocusing

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