1. Propose three ways that a mentor and a new employee orientation can assist employees with their career development.
2. Evaluate the following criteria, in order of importance to you, in regard to the workplace: material wealth, success, career satisfaction, and work-life. Determine whether or not you believe there is a way to balance them. Provide two suggestions on how this could be done. Support your position.
3. From the e-Activity, examine the benefits of obtaining a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification and / or a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certification. Rate the importance of these certifications in regard to an HR employee’s career. (e-Activity: Go to the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) Website and review the information regarding HR certifications, located athttp://www.shrm.org/Education/educationalproducts/learning/Pages/features.aspx . You can also go to the HR Certification Institute’s Website and review information regarding HR certifications, located at http://www.hrci.org/HRCertification.aspx?id=2147483806. Be prepared to discuss.
4. Examine some of the causes and symptoms of employee burnout. Propose steps that management can take to reduce the possibility of employee burnout
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