Research Paper
The Research Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading assignments as well as the implications of new knowledge. should integrate readings and class discussions into work and life experience. It may include explanation and examples from previous experience as well as implications for future application.
The purpose of the Research Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge of leadership practice.
Focus of the Research Paper:
Submit to the instructo report on key research within your concentration, either from secondary literature or primary research. You are responsible for appropriately citing material and methods that you used. Relate the research to your workplace; how will you use the research to improve or change work processes/behavior.
Writing the Research Paper
The Research Paper:
? Must be twelve double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.
? Must include a cover page that includes:
– Student’s name
– Course name and number
– Name of paper
– Instructor’s name
– Date submitted
? Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
? Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
? Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
? Must use APA style as outlined in your approved style guide to document all sources.
? Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.
Required Text
Leadership priorities and practice (Ashford University edition). (2007). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill
Learning Solutions. ISBN: 0-697-77523-2.
This custom text contains excerpts from the following textbooks published by McGraw-Hill:
1. Airasian, P. (2005). Classroom assessment: Concepts and applications (5th ed.).
2. Fritzsche, D. J. (2005). Business ethics: A global and managerial perspective (2nd ed.).
3. Hartman, L. P. (2005). Perspectives in business ethics (3rd ed.).
4. Hattersley, M. E. & McJannet, L. M. (2005). Management communication: Principles and practice (2nd ed.).
5. Ruggiero, V. (2004). Beyond feelings: A guide to critical thinking (7th ed.).
6. Shani, A. B. & Lau, J. (2005). Behavior in organizations: An experimental approach (8th ed.).
7. Waddock, S. (2006). Leading corporate citizens: Vision, values, value added (2nd ed.).
Name the crisis� in your own way. Using evidence from the essay, argue for how we might choose to name it; i.e. is it a tsunami, a war, a plague, a meltdown, a credit crisis, a confidence crisis, a global disaster? What other terms might be appropriate? The essay should be in three parts: a summary of Paumgarten�s essay; a description of some of the terms and stories that have been used to �name the crisis�; a suggestion of your own about what the crisis should be called. In making your case, you need to recognize the power of words to narrate reality: the word (or words) you choose is/are making an interpretation of events that is at the same time a narrative judgement that involves characterization (who are the villians? the good guys?) and plot (what was the turning point? Have we reached a climax?). Your essay may also consider whether your �name� comes from your own experience of the changing financial conditions: have you had a harder time getting a loan? Have you or someone you know lost a job or a house? How do these experiences change how you see, know or narrate the crisis?

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