Select two to three calculation tasks a program could perform that would be useful, create a Word document using the attached Memo Template for each of the tasks, create Visual Logic files to execute each of the tasks and save all the files in a single folder structure.

Select two to three calculation tasks a program could perform that would be useful.

 Each task must include the following:

  • Inputing a value
  • Performing a calculation on that value
  • Outputting the value

Example calculations include the following:

  • Calculating sales tax on a sale
  • Converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius
  • Figuring out a total bulk sale price based on price per unit and number of units

Create a Word document using the attached Memo Template for each of the tasks. The document should contain:

  • a brief description of the task
  • the pseudocode associated with the task 

Create Visual Logic files to execute each of the tasks.

Save all the files in a single folder structure you zip into a single file to submit.

Submit zip file containing all files.

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