Begin working on your presentation.
Submit an outline of the presentation that includes the following:
A full description of the new system, a description of its components, and the benefit it will provide to Riordan
A discussion of the business requirements driving the need for the system
A discussion of the information used in the system
A discussion of any information security and ethical concerns with the system
Note: Riordan Manufacturing is one of the Virtual Organizations. Please see the link under Academic Resources or on this entry.
Continue working on your proposal.
Develop the flow diagram of the information and any control elements needed to ensure proper access for the information.
Submit a 700- to 1,050-word section of the paper with the following elements:
A diagram of the information flow and any elements controlling proper access to the information it uses
A description of any proposed business process changes for the system along with flow diagrams
A specific discussion on any Internet and mobile access components of the system
Note: Riordan Manufacturing is one of the Virtual Organizations. Please see the link under Academic Resources or on this entry.
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