Summarize the understanding of God, of creation, and of humanity for both Judaism and Islam and then compare the two traditions.

Written Reflection 3

Summarize the understanding of God, of creation, and of humanity for both Judaism and Islam and then compare the two traditions.  Such questions to be addressed in the summaries of each tradition are: Who/What is God?  What is humanity?  How should humanity relate to God and to each other?

Part 1: Summarize the understanding of God, humanity, and creation in Islam.  You should use evidence from at least two of the following: the Overview of Islam, the Creation accounts from the Qur’an, and Siddiqui’s article “Being Human”.

Part 2: Summarize the understanding of God, humanity, and creation in Judaism.  You should use evidence from at least two of the following: the Overview of Judaism, Genesis 1-3 (be sure to cite the Book, Chapter, and verse(s) you use), and Ochs’ article “Do We Worship the Same God?”

Part 3: Identify similarities and differences between the two accounts.  Can this comparison help to answer questions like the ones Ochs asks in his article?


Responses should be around 2 pages long, written in essay format, typed in 12 point Times New Roman font, be single spaced, and should have your name on it.  Remember to cite the page numbers used to answer each question!

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