Who was the most important Athenian politician, Cleisthenes, Themistocles, or Pericles?

Choose two and answer each one in about a paragraph.

Who was the most important Athenian politician, Cleisthenes, Themistocles, or Pericles? (An effective answer to this question will briefly state the case for each, then make an argument for why one was more important than the other two.)
What went wrong with the Roman Republic? Concisely outline the many challenges faced by the state in the post-Punic Wars era. What prevented these problems being addressed through the normal political process?
Considering Rome’s successes and expansion c.450-150 BCE, the Roman Republic was an extraordinarily successful government model. What were some of the structural features of the republican government that contributed to its long-lasting effectiveness?
Discuss the major changes wrought in the Roman Empire by Diocletian and Constantine. Would you characterize these more as mainly natural and inevitable developments, or as desperate and unusual measures to stave off collapse?

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