Why did Microsoft do what was done in the article? Who would benefit from Microsoft’s actions? What would you do if you were the CEO of Microsoft at the time of this action? Did you agree or disagree with Microsoft’s strategy from this article selected.

Paper must be 5 pages in total, double-spaced, 1″ margins on top, bottom, and sides, with a 12 font using Times New Roman font. Five pages must include : 1. Title Page, Reference page (TWO pages minimum here) 2. Article selected (one page – third page here) 3. Body and summary of article selected with what your thoughts are of Microsoft’s strategy of this particular action. Answer the questions: Why did Microsoft do what was done in the article? Who would benefit from Microsoft’s actions? What would you do if you were the CEO of Microsoft at the time of this action? Did you agree or disagree with Microsoft’s strategy from this article selected.

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