wk3 [Pin It] Question: Give an example of security through obscurity in a computer situation. Give an example of security through obscurity in a situation not involving computers. Is security through obscurity an effective countermeasure in either example? Why or why not? How would the physical security aspect of protecting computer assets relate in this case? Make sure to give some examples. Make sure to cite at least one reference using APA guidelines. Wikipedia, blogs and about.com are not credible sources. You should be using scholarly articles found in the Library Databases.


[Pin It]


Give an example of security through obscurity in a computer situation. Give an
example of security through obscurity in a situation not involving computers. Is
security through obscurity an effective countermeasure in either example? Why
or why not? How would the physical security aspect of protecting computer assets relate in this case? Make sure to give some examples.

Make sure to cite at least one reference using APA guidelines. Wikipedia, blogs and about.com are not credible sources. You should be using scholarly articles found in the Library Databases.

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