Write a 1000-1500 word research paper that is referential informative and uses classification as an organizing pattern. 1. You must have at least 5 sources which may be books, journals, newspapers, brochures or encyclopedias. Three sources can be internet. 2. Choose for a topic a city or physical or emotional disease that interests you. 3. You will be giving information on your topic in objective and thorough manner (referential and informative) and organizing your paper into different categories (classification). 4. Paper 5 is similar to paper 2 except researched. Your paper must have a minimum of 5 paragraphs which will include an introduction, 3 separate paragraphs of discussion of parts of your topic and a conclusion. You must have a topic statement in your first paragraph which you underline. Include a cover page with your name, paper title and paper number. 5. You must use the MLA system of documentation and have at least one citation for each of your sources. Your sources will be listed in the bibliography (works cited ) using MLA format( see assigned page sin Hnadbook). You must document (cite) all specific information whether quoted or paraphrased that you use in your paper. A possible paper format: • Paragraph 1–thesis and points to be made about subject •Paragraph 2–discussion of one point about topic •Paragraph 3–discussion of another point about topic •Paragraph 4–discussion of another point about topic •Paragraph 5–sum up points and relate them to thesis statement Examples online works cited entry: Sheppard,Lisa.”Fathers Involvement Shows Positive Outcomes.” Urban Programs Resource. University of Illinois,April.2001. Web. May 2014 “Why Fathers Are Getting Custody.” n.p .n.d.Web. May 2014 Grist, Stephanie. “Program Offers Help for Fathers.” Austin American Statesman 27April 1999:E4.InfoTrac Newspapers. Web. April 2014 Example of citations from online sources: (Sheppard) (Why) (Grist E4) Additional information on MLA format can be found at : library.austincc.edu/help/MLA
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