For your first response paper, I would like you to think about some of the characteristics of “lovers” that we discussed and defined at the beginning of the semester. The three stories we’ve read (Karamzin’s “Poor Liza,” Tolstoy’s “The Kreutzer Sonata,” and Chekhov’s “The Lady with the Dog”) are all love stories, in a way, though not necessarily uplifting ones. The most-often repeated trait of lovers in our discussion was “passionate,” so I would like you to write your response about how passion is depicted in each of the stories. You can feel free to reflect on some of the other qualities that were mentioned, such as “kind-hearted,” “optimistic,” and “idealistic.” Your paper should be 2-3 pages, double spaced, in a standard 12-point font. You will need to use specific examples from the stories to make your points — when using quotes from the stories from the Project Gutenberg site, if there are no page numbers, you should refer to the chapter or section number. You should see a rubric for paper grading below. You will upload your paper through this page, and I have enabled Turnitin to review for any large chunks of un-cited text. If Turnitin does flag your paper, don’t worry, I will still use my own judgment about whether anything seems plagiarized, and I will discuss it with you first.

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