You are a T & D Manager in charge of part of this module’s discussion on Training and Development. Develop a probing, thought-provoking topic/question relating to some aspect of T & D for your peers to respond to.

Q1.(Hypothetical) Tell us about your own experiences with employee recruitment and selection—either as an employee, employer, or both. We would like to hear it all—the good, the bad, the ugly. For example, was there a time you learned about a job opening right after the fact, thinking it should have been better advertised?

What is the most bizarre interview process you have participated in?

If you have been involved with job analysis and/or job design activities please share your experiences. Tell us how your own experience relates to some of the key ideas about job study, recruitment, and selection covered in the module.

Support your post with additional information from at least two reputable sources (library and/or web-based). Cite your sources.

Q2.You are a T & D Manager in charge of part of this module’s discussion on Training and Development. Develop a probing, thought-provoking topic/question relating to some aspect of T & D for your peers to respond to.

Q3.Tell us about your knowledge/experience with the diversity “climate” in your organization. What does your organization say formally about its views on diversity, and how well do you feel it walks its talk in this regard? Why?


It is predicted by 2040 white Americans will be a minority group in America’s workplaces. Discuss the impact this will have on the nation. For example, impact on laws, diversity practices, education, productivity, workplace rules, leadership styles, management practices and/or other areas.

Q4.Would you rather work a desired position that pays a salary of $150,000 with no benefits other than paid holidays, paid personal time, vacation, and benefits required by law?


Work the same position for a salary of $70,000 with paid holidays, paid personal time, vacation, and benefits required by law? Also this $70,000 job would include health insurance benefits (paying 80% of all medical and prescription costs, with a maximum lifetime benefit of $1,000,000); and offering standard plans covering dental, life insurance, STD, LTD, flexible spending, and 401K plan (4% employer match)?

Which job offer would to accept? Why? Be specific.

Q5.Performance appraisal experiences for employees and supervisors are so vastly different.

For some it is a chance to have a one-on-one discussion about the employee’s work; to highlight strengths and identify areas needing improvement; to identify barriers; to determine how to contribute to the needs and goals of the department/organization; to seek specific input, support and guidance to achieve job and/or career goals.

For others it results in a lack of understanding; assumption that the review will be negative, fear of surprises; concern for changes in the relationship between employee and supervisor, fear of failure; that it becomes part of their file. Some supervisors are uncomfortable talking about performance; worry that the differences will be confrontational; that the process is too time consuming; possess a fear of surprises; are concerned about possible negative consequences in their relationship with the employee.

What is it about the process and the relationship between the employee and supervisor that makes the experiences so different?

Is it possible for appraisals to become a less dreaded part of supervising others? If so, how? What needs to be done so that performance appraisals have constructive, positive outcomes for both employees and supervisors?

Support your post with additional information from at least two reputable sources (library and/or web-based). Cite your sources. Bring in your own personal experiences, if applicable.

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